well here are some pics from my iphone..hehe
My very attentive class. Haha
Marcus and his security pillow.
HAHAHAHHAHA! Meet Nicodemus.
Me, Kiu from hk, and Kota from Japan.
Steffi and Shindy from Indo and Ida on the right from Msia.
Oh well..clearly as you can see, I seem to be doing fine. And here is a shoutout to those people who...wait.....it's 10....
i forgot to sign in!!!
and obviously as it's 10.08 now, i cant..
so damn it...shit....im getting my first warning letter. Not for reaching unilodge late after 10...no, definitely not..it's for staying in my room and FORGETTING to go down to sign in..arrrghhhhhhhhhh..........so retarded...........
btw, a hi to melvin chay and vhimal.
(btw sorry..this was suppose to be in my own blog)