Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!

I may be a day late but it is still the first day of CNY where I am at. Well, for at least another 40 minutes. And since I dont feel like doing any homework, I thought I would just type some shizz here to show that I am not happily visiting people nor collecting ang pows because I am so far away. Oh well, Happy Chinese New Year to all of you (if you even read this blog anymore. just saying, because I cannot check the stats). May your ang pow fishing yield aplenty, and wishing you happiness, health, wealth, and whatever else you want as long as it is not something negative.

One more thing, for those of you who asked about the period of dormancy of my blog. It has awoken from hibernation and is now on display again. Not like you care anyway. But thanks for asking.

I guess thats all.