Friday, August 6, 2010

CPR the blog

i cant remember what CPR stands for, i only know R is for resuscitation, lets come up with what C and P in CPR stand for ok? my wordpon of choice is Cryptic Phagolopubicopenile Resuscitation.

OK enough with being like a 13 year old. I should just google CPR but im too lazy.

Mel u busybody wanting to know about our lives. I dun think got anything saucy la..if not it will be up in the gutter use requesting mundane updates rite.

anyway as requested, have fun reading the following three thousand two hundred and twenty three lines of life.
my finals were done 3 days ago and i've been stoning at home in a virtual world. other than that, i went to the slash concert with Ervin, Jay Min and his college friends and it was awesome but could have been more more more awesome if some of the people in the crowd werent there.

The next thing i will know is i will be staring at hot stewardesses on the long ass flight back to the states. yeah im leaving in 2 weeks and not really looking forward to it.

but before that, i need to go crowbar out my wisdom tooth that cant erect properly. anybody know any good dentists to recommend since i have a dental phobia, especially the dentist's drill? General anaesthesia would be accepted with an open mouth.

so it looks like i have to abstain from playing futsal for a while, and take a hiatus from martial arts till my wisdom tooth cavity heals. i read that physical activity can cause the post surgical cavity to ejaculate more blood.. so i guess its time to be a good boy and sign up for a volunteer service.

OK thats all for now. maybe when im all drugged up and taking in liquidified solids on my bed, wilting in pain i will post something.

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