Wednesday, May 5, 2010

7 weeks

It's official.

I'm coming home on the 24th of June! My exam's in the morning of the 23rd, and then I'm flying off at 1am that night (which is technically already the 24th). So I'll reach around 6-7am on the 24th. Woohoo!

Well, I guess I can't take part in alcohol/clubbing filled post-exam celebrations. But who cares, I rather get home asap anyway. :)

I'm coming back to Melbourne on the 17th of July, so officially I have about 3 weeks to enjoy home. Aaaaaahhhhh I can't wait! Meeting up and hanging with all of you guys, futsal, dota, pool, daytona, all the other crazy shit we do and FOOD.

Damn Kyle, I envy you. Haha

See you peeps soon! (if you count 7 weeks as soon, but as Confucius said: Time flies faster than arrow =P so that's sort of around the corner. well, something for me to look forward to anyway)


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