Saturday, May 1, 2010

My lecturer says med kids are inexperienced in sex but 100% of males and 85% of females in med masturbate. aha...

Yo peeps

How's everyone?

Anyway, my midyear exams are on the 23rd of June, so I should be flying back a couple of days after that. Til somewhere in the middle of July (my classes start back again on the 19th of July). Phil will be flying back around the same time too I guess, maybe a bit earlier than me.

So....Kyle, Shuyen when are you two flying back? and Sam, Vhi, Sheng, when do you guys finish A Levels? Jay, RP, CA, Mel, Teng Huei when are your hols? I'm presuming Cze will still be free. haha

Can't wait to get back and hang with you guys. :)

GAH Liverpool v Chelsea tomorrow and I got no TV with foxtel to watch it. Shooootttt me. Haha. CHELSEA'S GOING DOWN SHENG. But Man U going to lose too (I hope), so you guys can get your title. =) no offence Kyle. hahahaha

Anyways, nothing much's happening here. I just downloaded Plants v Zombies and I'm addicted. Lame game, I know. But it's addictive. LOL

And Mel, what's up with the plastic people photos? Haha randommmmmmm =P

K I'm gonna play Plants v Zombies now. Then maybe do a bit of my assignment. I'm such a lifeless hick. blah

P.S: MEL and TENG HUEI! out of curiosity, what have you guys learnt so far? Haha. So far, all we've been doing here is basic anatomy, microbiology, a bit of histology, a bit of pharmacokinetics and very little physiology. Our main focus so far's been like crap about cells, genes, a freaking shitload of sociology, ethics, law and this thing called health enhancement which tells us to exercise, meditate and stay healthy. Whole load of bullshit. lol Bet you guys are learning more interesting stuff - besides plastic surgery picture obsession. hahaha


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