Thursday, May 6, 2010


haha my mum couldnt get the flight on the 24th of june for me. so i'm coming back on the 25th of june instead. 7am.

post exam parties, here i come :)

then HOME.

haha I can't wait for the 25th!! :)

OH, on a random note, i touched a dead body today. Old lady cadaver. The 2nd years dissected her head and thorax, so we got to touch/play with whatever parts they've cut up. Which is basically the brain (cut into 3 pieces), both the lungs and the heart (they cut holes in the atria and ventricles so we could look inside). Oh there were also the skull, eyeball, ribs, and looking at body layers in general. SO FREAKING AWESOME. :)

Don't worry, it was preserved with formaldehyde. So it didn't look that real anyway. And the smell of the formaldehyde made me hungry. lol. I'm not sickly disturbing,'s a chemical effect. You can either feel real sick, hungry or don't feel anything at all after smelling formaldehyde. And I got hungry. Haha

Over the next few weeks we're gonna take a look at other organs and stuff, depending how fast the 2nd years cut up the cadavers. And next semester, we get to cut one ourselves. :)

Ok, I gtg now. Making a last ditch trip to the library to print notes and a report. gah


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